On this episode, we are celebrating some very big news.
This week, we launched a new unprecedented, multifaceted support ecosystem for CPG brands supporting regenerative agriculture including two new non-profit organizations and one future for-profit organization.
The three entities are called: ReGen Brands Institute, ReGen Brands Coalition, and ReGen Brands Capital.
We’ve shared bits and pieces of our work on all of this over the past year, but we have not really given our audience a full update since August of 2023. And there’s a reason for that, as we’ve been quite hard at work building this new ecosystem.Please check out the updated website, read our inaugural State of Regenerative CPG report, and view the press release to get a nice, concise, articulate download of what we’re doing.
In this episode, we wanted to give you a peek behind the curtain on what went into shaping this vision, building the inaugural entities, hitting some key milestones, and where we go from here. Long story short, if you want to know what the future of our work looks like, then this is a must listen. We’re so proud to take this massive step forward and we couldn't have done it without your support. We hope you’re as energized by this milestone as we are.
Episode Highlights:
🎉 The new ReGen Brands ecosystem
🤯 How we got here
↗️ Where we’re headed
âť“ Why this new approach
🏫 Introducing, ReGen Brands Institute
đź“š Our new research and education programming
🤝 Introducing, ReGen Brands Coalition
🔥 Our new trade association for regen brands
đź’° Introducing, ReGen Brands Capital
🙏 Values-aligned capital for regen brands
State of Regenerative CPG Report
ReGen Brands Weekly Newsletter
Follow ReGen Brands on LinkedIn
Subscribe to the ReGen Brands Weekly newsletter
Episode Recap:
ReGen Brands Recap #81 - ReGen Brands Launches Unprecedented Support Ecosystem For CPG Brands Supporting Regenerative Agriculture - (RECAP LINK)
Episode Transcript:
Disclaimer: This transcript was generated with AI and is not 100% accurate.
Kyle Krull - 00:00:13
Welcome to the ReGen Brands Podcast. This is a place for brands, retailers, investors, and other food system stakeholders to learn about the consumer brand supporting regenerative agriculture and how they're changing the world. This is your host, Kyle, joined by my cohost AC, who's gonna take us into the
Anthony Corsaro - 00:00:32
episode. On this episode, we are celebrating some very, very big news, folks. This week, we launched a new unprecedented multifaceted support ecosystem for CPG brands supporting regenerative agriculture, including 2 new nonprofit organizations and one future for profit organization as well. The 3 entities are called Regen Brands Institute, Regen Brands Coalition, and Regen Brands Capital. Now we've shared bits and pieces of our work on all of this over the past year, but we've not really given you all a full update since August of 2023. And there's a reason for that. We've been quite hard at work building all of this, to say the least. Now make sure you go check out the updated website at regen-brands.com. Read our inaugural state of regenerative CPG report. Check out the press release.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:01:14
In those places, you're gonna get a nice concise articulate download of what we're doing. But today on the podcast, we wanted to give you a peek behind the curtain. We wanted to show you what went into shaping this vision. How do we build these inaugural entities and strategies? How do we hit some of the key milestones? Where are we going from here?
Anthony Corsaro - 00:01:42
We are not just gonna regurgitate the information you will find in those other places that that I just mentioned even though they are cool descriptions, taglines, and visuals, definitely check them out. Long story short, if you wanna know what the future of our work looks like, this is a must listen episode. We're so proud to take this massive step forward, and we couldn't have done it without all of your support. Seriously, it means the world to us, and thank you so much. And we hope you're as energized by this milestone as we are. Let's go. What's up, everybody?
Anthony Corsaro - 00:02:03
Welcome back to another episode of the ReGen Brands Podcast. Milestone episode today. Very, very big day for the ReGen Brands Podcast and the Regen Brands universe. So you got just Kyle and myself. So, what's up, brother? Welcome in.
Kyle Krull - 00:02:29
Yo. When you said welcome back, it actually had, like, a whole new meeting because we've had a hiatus. So this really does feel like a welcome back. And I don't know if anybody else is as excited as we are to to jump back into the studio. But, yeah, I'm I'm excited to dig in and, get back into the into the group.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:02:48
Yeah. It it's been a little bit of a hiatus, a planned hiatus and a needed hiatus based on, hopefully, what some of you have already seen kind of out in the world this week as it's all gonna come out before this podcast drops. But we've been hard at work, and, this episode is to kinda share the behind the scenes, look into what that work has looked like for the past year and some change and the big announcements about kind of where we're going and and the future. So we're excited to share with everybody.
Kyle Krull - 00:03:17
Super pumped. And, yeah, I mean, those listening on the Spotify or Apple Podcasts already see some of the fruits of that work with the new branding. So we'll get into that a little bit more specifically later on, but that's that's the peak under the tent.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:03:32
Yeah. Absolutely. So the big news is that we have launched the new Regen Brands ecosystem is what we're calling it. So press press release went out this week, new website, new branding, our inaugural reports, state of regenerative CPG report. Like Kyle said, all the kinda recap and podcast assets have been changed and updated to the new branding. So, yeah, just big big big week for us and very excited about kind of continuing to do this work. We have not given an update to you all since August of 2023. So quite a lot has happened, operationally since we released episode 45. And today, we're really going to kind of share the story of what has happened during that time and also, unpack the the strategy around this new ecosystem, each entity, what they're gonna do, how they're gonna work together, and basically the support that we're trying to put together for brands that are supporting regenerative agriculture.
Kyle Krull - 00:04:34
Yeah. Like AC said, it's been a ton of work and really kudos to AC and Aaron in particular for the work that they've been doing in addition to lawyers, accountants, Katie, Daniella, Connor, Hannah. I mean, there's so many people involved in this thing now, which is incredible, and we wouldn't be able to do or announce what we're announcing today if it weren't for all that work in that team. If I missed anybody, AC, fill in the gaps. But, yeah, it's been really cool. I mean, jelly shot, Third Street. There's tons of partners.
Kyle Krull - 00:04:57
Anthony Corsaro - 00:05:07
Kyle Krull - 00:05:07
It's it's it's super exciting.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:05:10
Yeah. Amen. That's a good list. I think we'll add to it over the the course of the show. Yeah. We definitely couldn't have done this without a lot of those people. And just amazing to be basically relaunching this this new ecosystem with these 2 kind of inaugural nonprofits and a future for profit coming in in 2025. And just to I went back and relistened to episode 45 and how our thinking and execution has evolved since then, is just night and day. So maybe let's let's, like, reset the scene a little historical context for people and kinda go back in time as I think we wanna bring people from there to now. Most of you all listening to the show, interacting with us in the in the industry, on LinkedIn, whatever it may be, you know us as kind of operating Regen brands, the Regen Coalition, and Outlaw Ventures, doing basically kind of the, the the podcast and the blog and the newsletter and all that in Regen Brands, the trade association slash coalition building work in Regen Coalition, and then some the investment work that I do in in Outlaw Ventures. That is all going away, and that is all being replaced by this new Regen Brands ecosystem, which consists of Regen Brands Institute, Regen Brands Coalition, and Regen Brands Capital, but it's taken us a long time and a lot of work to get there.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:06:19
So let's maybe go back in time, brother, to August, September, October, kind of q3, q4 of last year. Where were we at and what what were we planning to do and kinda how how did we get here?
Kyle Krull - 00:06:47
I mean, honestly, I feel like I should be asking you that question because you just said that episode. So it's it's gonna be like my version is not gonna be nearly as accurate as your version would be, but I'll I will do my best. So I'm pretty sure at that time, we were looking to launch sort of what we were calling I don't even know what we were calling it. Region Coalition 2.0, really trying to legitimize the organization that I had initially conceived of back in 2021, which is about furthering brand collaboration in the regenerative space. We had done our due diligence in talking to the varied stakeholders, not just from the brand side, but from certification verification side and explaining the concept. We didn't really get perfect clear sign off from anybody, but we didn't get, you know, hey. Don't do this either. Yeah. Which I think we assumed was like, okay.
Kyle Krull - 00:07:31
Cool. Yeah. We're ready to go. And, as it turned out, that was not the case. So, you know, we've spent essentially the the year since then doing all this work to ensure that when we did launch, we were actually ready. So that was a great learning opportunity and a learning moment for us.
Kyle Krull - 00:07:57
And I know it it kind of put us in a I don't want to say a tailspin, but it put us behind the ball for a little bit there. But now we actually have a legitimate 501c6 straight organization. Our paperwork is filed for the 501c3, which should be, you know, formalized and then approved soon. And this ecosystem is real. So it's pretty impressive to think about where we were mentally a year ago today versus where we are today organizationally. Mhmm.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:08:27
Yeah. And where we where we were basically was we thought we were gonna operate Regen Brands as a for profit media company. We had the 501c6 trade association entity that we were operating the Regen Coalition under, but we really hadn't launched successfully operationally. And then what we were trying to do with Outlaw was create a venture fund for return of brands. And now what that looks like is Regen brands is just a overarching brand and Regen brands institute is actually a 501c3 nonprofit doing those publications, doing the research and education that can be, you know, produced under the charitable purpose and given away to everyone. We now have the Regen Brands Coalition that is the existing 501c6, but now successfully launched with 31 inaugural members that we're very fired up about and we'll share more about. And then instead of kind of pursuing a more typical venture capital strategy for Outlaw Ventures, we are now pursuing much more of what I would call kind of an innovative specialized financing strategy advisory firm slash services for brands that look that looks a lot more kind of bespoke to the needs of regenerative brands. But at the end of last year, like Kyle said, most of the focus is really on the coalition and trying to get that off the ground.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:09:36
And, we we we tried a lot of things, we learned a lot, and really across all three of the original strategies, entities, whatever you wanna call them, you know, we we learn through trial and error. I don't wanna call them failures because, like, we we have successfully done what we wanna do with each one now in this different fashion, but we had to kinda go try and ride the bike and and skin our knee a few times.
Kyle Krull - 00:10:12
Yeah. Absolutely. And I really wanna hear from you about why we decided to go about this. Because when you say it out loud, it feels like a lot. So what was the the primary reasoning behind launching a 501c3 and a 501c6 in particular, because that's relatively unique. Mhmm.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:10:32
So the 501c6, that is the non profit you use for any trade association. So that was the easiest decision that we've come to across this whole journey because, like, that that was the clearest decision of, hey. That's the entity you use for trade association. It's a type of nonprofit where if you're doing work that explicitly aids for profit businesses, you need it to be in that in that type of a a setup. So that was easy and we kinda had that first with the 2 point o regen coalition. Right? What we didn't really know what we were gonna do about all this content we produce via the podcast, the newsletter, the blog, and all the content we wanna now do in long form like consumer research, aggregated retail data, the state of regenerative CPG report that we just put out, we did not feel like there was a way that we could do that work properly in the way that we wanted to in the service of really moving the needle in the industry, in a for profit model that was actually monetizable that didn't completely erode our capacity to do the work the right way.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:11:01
So a lot of words in there, but basically what I think that means is, like, we didn't feel like we could do the work in a for profit model the way that we wanted and felt like the industry needed us to. So specifically with the institute, what the c three allows us to do is it allows us to produce all that all those resources, give them away free of charge to the entire universe of all brands, all retailers, all farmers, all investors, and really take a rising tide lifts all boats mentality where we don't have to put anything behind a paywall. We don't have to answer to explicitly creating that content for a specific, customer. You know, we are basically as the experts deciding, hey, this is we we think this is the most, effective use of some sort of philanthropic resources because that nonprofit will be fun by philanthropic donations, grants, etcetera, and we will produce things that, you know, can be given away to that entire charitable universe, free of charge and and kind of open source.
Kyle Krull - 00:12:38
Very well said. There's a lot I was gonna try to add in there, but I think you you basically hit all of the, the nails with the hammer, if you will.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:12:46
Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, really, this is not a new model. There's some complexity when you have 2 separate nonprofits, but there are many examples of organizations that have, like, sister 501c3and501c6es because they really do separate things and they are governed under separate, you know, laws and implications and whatnot. And, shout out to Alex at BakerHostetler. He is a tax exempt attorney specialist who's really held our hand and guided us through this whole process of getting the organization stood up, getting them governed correctly, getting them filed with the IRS correctly. And, you know, it it it's gonna allow us to do this amazing research and education activity and institute that can be, like I said, given away to everyone under that charitable purpose, and then it's gonna allow us to have explicit services for a select group of brands in the trade association in the coalition that helps their businesses, you know, explicitly, which is what that's supposed to do. I flew it back over to you, bro, of, like, the coalition. You know? So we kinda come out of last year. We we kinda had a failure launch. Right?
Anthony Corsaro - 00:13:47
And I don't know. We need to come up with a better word than failure, but we we had an inaugural kinda pseudo launch. Didn't really work out. We said, hey. We need some time. We're gonna reassess.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:14:02
And, really, we spent a ton of time in in q 1, q 2 of this year getting that strategy back together and getting to where we're at now, where this thing is a real legal entity. We have brands that are members. We have programming happening where we're servicing those brands and providing value to them through what they get with via their membership. You know, from your vantage point, what did that journey look like really did this past just this calendar year?
Kyle Krull - 00:14:31
Oh, man. It's hard to say the journey. Like, my my head was going somewhere else, so I'm just gonna go where my head was going. But what I what I can say is that the difference the difference between the way we are operating right now as a 501g6 trade organization in the region coalition and how we're operating before night and day. And, really, what what that looks like is me essentially jumping into a shared document, trying to build out an agenda 5 minutes before a meeting to legitimate, like, solicitation and intentionality and a team of support administrative support. What's the word I'm looking for? What are the trainings that Aaron put on for us? Facilitation training for all of the staff who are involved. It's just been, like I said, night and day in terms of the intentionality. You know, in in what did the journey look like?
Kyle Krull - 00:15:14
There were a lot of hard conversations that we had to have where we we finally had to figure out how do we draw some lines in the sand that we've been talking about for a long time. Like, who can we allow into this entity? What verifications and certifications make sense to allow? What is the market saying? What do these other entities feel? How do they feel about this? So we had to, like, really think through a lot of that, and I think we came up with a really good solution there.
Kyle Krull - 00:15:38
I don't know if we wanna dive into the nitty gritty or not. But it was really answering the hard questions and putting pen to paper, you know, which is not the easiest thing to do. So that was part 1. And then part 2 is, like, the intentionality behind how we wanted to launch the the, quote, v one cohort. Right? Like, we had interest from, I don't know, somewhere between 70 a 100 different brands potentially who wanted to join, and we decided to go this is really with AC's vision on leaderships, decided to keep it small, and only allowing, you know, somewhere between 25 35 brands, and we landed, I think, at 31.
Kyle Krull - 00:16:01
And that was by design to ensure that we had brands who were super, super hyper interested and believed in the vision in part 2 so that we as an entity and an organization could really focus on delivering value for that initial cohort. And once we get those systems and processes up and running and flowing, then we can open up to more brands in the future, which will likely happen sometime in early 2025. I don't even know if that answered your question or not, to be honest. No. It's great. It's great. Yeah. Yeah. It's been it's been super cool.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:16:51
Yeah. And I got a couple places we can go from from that to rip off that. You know, one is giant shout out to Aaron Mancica. So Aaron is our inaugural executive director.
Kyle Krull - 00:17:00
To Aaron. Yep. Yeah.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:17:01
He's the man. So he's the inaugural ED of both nonprofits, both the institute and the the coalition and really he he and I are the lone kinda 2 full time staff members there to start in both of those entities. But Aaron started working with us right around the time of episode 45, so, you know, July, August of last year. And he's, you know, worked with us daily, weekly, on this thing since then. And Aaron's background is he helped start Naturally Boulder. He was the ED of Naturally Boulder for, I think, like, 15 years. He helped spread Naturally Network to the entire country.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:17:28
And so all we did to create the 1st trade association for regenerative brands was go get the guy who started the most successful trade association in our industry. I think that's a pretty cool kind of notch in our belt, feather in our cap, and
Kyle Krull - 00:17:49
Aaron is What's also so cool about it is that Aaron is so passionate about the work that we're doing. You know, it's not like we just, like, found this guy and convinced him to help us do this thing. He is so bought into the concept and wants to provide his expertise to this specific group of regenerative or brand supporting regenerative agriculture is it's so cool to see how fired up he is about this work.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:18:11
Yeah. Not not to speak for him, but I think I'll do a decent job paraphrasing. He has mentioned to us the the energy in the regenerative, like, movement and and with the brand supporting regenerative agriculture reminds him of some of the more higher purity, high integrity kind of initial better for you, cleaner brands that spark naturally bolder and kind of that initial ecosystem. And he sees kind of like a a recommitment to a higher level of, I think, passion and, you know, all the things there. So we love having Aaron on board. He's been the the the gray hair on the team, and the wisdom and the the person who has, you know, done it once before and, you know, been a nonprofit executive multiple times. So not calling him gray hair by any means from a demographical perspective or from a from a wisdom and experience perspective. And we really needed that, you know, as these 2 kinda younger crazier guys that had these ideas, we needed someone to help us channel that that energy into, like, hardcore tactical execution and getting to certain milestones, and Aaron's just been an incredible resource in doing that.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:19:03
Kyle Krull - 00:19:19
mean, no doubt. I'm I'm trying to think if you and I trying to write the corporate bylaws or the the organizational bylaws without him is like, there's no way that ever would have even happened. You know? So, yeah, his experience, a passion, and energy, and his work has just been phenomenal. So, yeah, we we would not be here without him.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:19:40
Yeah. And I I wanna give the audience even more detail into something you had alluded to, Kav, like, how do we decide who who could be a member in the coalition? And, you know, the high level for people to understand there is right now, there is no dedicated community exclusively for brands supporting regenerative agriculture. So we have advisors and consulting firms, and we have other trade associations that are for better for you or organic or natural, and we have the regenerative certification programs. But we don't have anything that's exclusively for regenerative, but also brings together a diverse cohort of regenerative brands with different types of claims and maybe different types of regenerative, what we would call dogmas. And that was always the goal, which I think for us was very important and essential, but pretty audacious considering that's a pretty, contentious topic in the space. So we needed something that could have high integrity and could have, you know, quantifiable merit, but also was a big tent that could bring a diverse group together.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:20:35
So what we decided was every brand that joined the coalition had to have at least one SKU that they sold with a regenerative claim that was 3rd party validated. And 3rd party validated to us meant that one of 8 potential third parties had verified that that claim had a legit, you know, regenerative claim to it, which the list of 8 pathways was 7 different certifications and the the Whole Foods Market regenerative assessment. The 7 certs were regenerative organic certified.
Kyle Krull - 00:21:21
I got it here. You got it. Yeah. Yeah.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:21:23
Let it rip.
Kyle Krull - 00:21:23
It's yeah. Regenerative organic certified. Land of market verified. Regenified. This is starting to sound redundant. Soil and Climate Health Initiative verified. Certified regenerative by AGW, which is a greener world. Ethos regenerative outcome verification, Demeter biodynamic certification, and then the Whole Foods Market regenerative assessment program.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:21:46
Yep. So every brand, all 31 of those inaugural members, you know, they have at least one SKU that they are in market that has a claim that's third party validated by, you know, one of those entities. And, I mean, we're we're super fired up. The group is coming together. Like, it's so so clear that our hypothesis was true that that diverse crew has a way more in common than they have different, and they need to be working together on these topics. And we've just been operating our programming for 2 months, and that's so evident and clear, and we're making some amazing kind of strides there. But what else would you add on that topic, brother? Anything else on kind of the whole that that piece?
Kyle Krull - 00:22:25
Yeah. I mean, there's a there's a point you just said that I think we should clarify a little bit is like the brands who represent who have these different certifications and verifications so desperately want to work together. Rock brands want to work with ROC brand sorry, with regenerified brands. Land of Market brands want to work with, brands who are just certified by Whole Foods Market Regenerative Assessment. And this is really, like, the theory we had, that these brands want to work together regardless of you know, it it almost like I don't I don't wanna get too off topic here, but it's like we'll probably don't wanna edit this out. But it's different than like, folks from different religious organizations wanted to work together to do something positive for the world. You know what I mean?
Kyle Krull - 00:23:01
It's like, you know, you don't have to be x denomination or or y religion. Like, we all believe that we need to do this thing together. And this feels like the holding container for those who want to do that work. And it doesn't necessarily mean that every brand from rock or every brand from land to market needs to or wants to participate in this work, and that's fine. That's okay. But for those who do, there was no place to collaborate.
Kyle Krull - 00:23:26
And this what we have built, this ecosystem that we have developed allows for that collaboration to take place, which truly, in my opinion, is part of the reason Regenerative as a movement has been fizzling. You know, I don't want to say it's going backwards, it's still making a lot of progress, but because there's a lack of collaboration between various stakeholders, the movement itself is not moving forward at the rate it could be. So that's that's what we're trying to do here is allow that work to take place.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:24:00
Yeah. We really wanted to be the conduit for trying to spur what all the brands we talked to and all the retailers we talked to were asking for, which was some sort of a more cohesive, unified collective action, which can be actually, you know, articulated through multiple functions of the business. And when the group came together, I think the the focus, was all about consumer messaging and marketing and trying to drive consumer awareness and demand for regenerative products, which, yes, that's a huge piece of this. That's always gonna be a big piece of this. We wanna help spur that work. But what we found, I think, in designing the initial programming and doing the initial programming is there's opportunities that abound in ops and finance and other functions across the businesses as well where what we're doing is we're really creating the first peer to peer support group of brands with a very unique and similar context of how they're operating their businesses. And we also have a nice mix of categories of brands and products in there and a nice mix of sizes, of brands in there as well where the resourcing, you know, has a diversity that makes it really symbiotic, I think, at least from what we've seen from the 1st couple months of of operating the programming.
Kyle Krull - 00:25:12
Totally agree. There was something else I was gonna say, but I was listening to you. I lost my train of thought. So, which unfortunately, it felt like it was a good one. Whatever it was, it was good. But, yeah, you know, to your point, it's no. No. It's gone. It's totally gone.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:25:27
Yeah. Well, let's let's switch gears. We can always come back to Coalition. I think before we switch gears, we wanna just drive home, like, huge shout out to Aaron Manteca for his work across the entire ecosystem, but really helping us stand up to coalition. Big shout out to Hannah Robbins and Connor McMorrow, who are helping facilitate some of our working forms in the coalition. Those people are amazing. And also a big shout out to Katie Finnegan, who is helping us with operations in that entity as well. And then also big shout out to our inaugural board members. Kyle, you, yourself, really appreciate all the work that you've done, brother.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:25:55
And then Daniella Jensen at Big Picture Foods and Haley Painter at Painterland Sisters. I mean, it it really takes a village, and shoot we should even add all the members and all the participants so far because it's 31 brands and over a 100 people participating in programming. So, it takes all of us and really just appreciate the the commitment from these brands to see that this need exists and to commit, you know, time and financial resources to help and solve it and to trust us to be the people that could help them, you know, facilitate whatever that solution needs to look like.
Kyle Krull - 00:26:34
No doubt. You know, one last shout out for sure is you, AC, and the level of passion, time, energy, financial resources, everything that you've thrown into this thing. The emotional roller coaster from, you know, episode 45 to now. Yeah. You know, and coming from somebody who's come to I've got to know you very, very well over the last few years. And Yeah. Candidly, like, when we first started working here, I was like, I think ACC's region has a really good financial opportunity potentially. And now knowing you, I think that couldn't be further from the truth about how you feel. And you truly do just want to support this work so badly.
Kyle Krull - 00:27:03
And, it's been really fun to watch you just, like, put your I don't wanna say put your money where your mouth is, but, like, you are so dedicated to making this work. And this this whole thing would not be happening, including today's podcast, if it weren't for you and the work you've put in there. So you you deserve a huge shout out as well.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:27:31
You got me you got me crying in the club right now, brother. You're making me emotional. I really appreciate that, man. It's, it's been really fun, and I think it's been interesting to reflect on that journey personally for me of when I first got into the Regen space and I wanted to, like, make a difference or whatever we wanna say, there was this big macro goal of, like, changing the world and helping, you know, healing people and planet, and, like, that still exists. But what the greatest gift about the work that we've done now, like, in the Regen brand's universe is I just have such a strong connection and empathy for the brand founders and the team members of of these brands that are really just doing this work that that's what drives me. You know, those are the people I roll around in bed at night thinking about how do we help them with these problems and and kind of bring my lunch pail to work every day trying to help them with these problems. Because, one of the original impetuses for why we wanted to start this whole thing was, like, we felt as though there was a lot more support for farmers and other actors in this thing than these people who also play a very integral role in making this thing work. So, yeah, it's been fun to reflect on that and just what what we're getting from that group. I can't understate as, like, that's the that's the fuel of the fire. So amen.
Kyle Krull - 00:28:45
Man, I totally agree. And it's worth mentioning, you know, it's hard to be a CPG founder in general. Right? It is so much harder to be the founder of a regenerative CPG brand for a variety of reasons that we don't have to get into. But in addition to that, even in the last year, the environment in which all of these brands are living in has dramatically changed. It's becoming more and more and more and more expensive to play to play this game. I just got an email before this podcast, like, marketer choice is increasing their ad fees for next year, you know, and that happens every day. This is not necessary. I'm not trying to throw marketer choice under the bus. They're a phenomenal retailer, and they do some really cool stuff to help small emerging brands.
Kyle Krull - 00:29:20
But everything is becoming more expensive. And when you have a premium product in this world where inflation and and price is so sensitive, like, it's a difficult world to navigate. So that I think that really helps to provide some context into why it's so important that we can allow these folks to work together and learn from each other and say, hey. I've made this mistake. Like, keep keep an eye out for that. Or like, hey. I've tried this and it worked really well. Let's all let's all go this direction.
Kyle Krull - 00:29:43
So, yeah, it's just a tough time to be a regenerative brand. You know? I'm I'm super lucky that I work for Kettle and Fire, who is just as a brand, we are crushing right now. And it's so I don't wanna say easy for us, but we have a lot more leverage because of the market share share that we have and the loyalty that we have and the incremental value that we provide, retailers. You know, we get to negotiate at times, right, where some other brands don't have that option. So, yeah, that's that's that's my rant about why it's so hard to be a regenerative brand right now and how things have changed incredibly even in this just the last one year.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:30:24
Mhmm. Amen. No. Thanks for sharing that, man. And I think it's a really good segue maybe to do a little bit more of a deep dive into institute the way that we just did with the coalition. And we've done a terrible job staying in chronological order, but, hey, this is the beauty of of you and I getting together for a pod. We're just gonna go where it where it takes us. Right. So I wanna I wanna go back to the story, then I wanna do a little bit of deep dive back into into institute. And the story really there is, we're geared up for expo west.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:30:48
We still kinda have these 3 disparate entities, that were named in episode 45 and have been named already on this podcast. And I have a dream. I have a dream that, you know, we need to get rid of how disjointed and confusing that old ecosystem was with 3 separate brands.
Kyle Krull - 00:31:14
I just wanna paraphrase. This is not Anthony, like, quoting Martin Luther King. Like, he actually had a dream in his sleep overnight, and that is what he's telling us about.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:31:22
So I have this vision of, like, hey, we need to put this whole thing together, we need to kind of co brand it all under the Regen Brands brand, exactly what that is, how that looks, I don't know. And I think I wake up and I texted, like, you, Aaron, and probably 5 other people. And I was like, hey man, I had this dream, I need to talk to you about it, I think it's important. And it was like a week or 2 before Expo West. So, thankfully, Kyle, Aaron, and a few other people hear me out. We kind of all align, like, hey. This seems like a a path, like, we're curious about and we wanna chase. And that's really how we kinda just started developing, like, this idea for this overall ecosystem.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:31:54
And what it also, I think, allowed us to do, which we've done a really good job in the white paper that I hope people will read that's now out is or or the state of regenerative CBG report is, no one knows the brands or no one knows the the the problems and the needs, like, explicitly facing regenerative brands better than us. Like, at this point, we are the experts on that, like, categorically. And what we did was we basically got really good at articulating those, and we said, okay. What are the potential entities, strategies that could that could create solutions here? And that has really led the development of the new ecosystem, and and largely informed, I think, the work of the institute on that research and education side because, like Kyle was just alluding to, there are some commercial and economic realities that we are not going to change in the short term for regenerative brands. And in America, the best way to try and support those people is through philanthropically funded nonprofits.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:33:04
Now you can't explicitly do that for for profit businesses through a 501c3 because that is illegal. But because of the societal benefits that regenerative systems produce, we can produce, you know, market based research and education and and things like what we've done historically, you know, with that societal benefit in mind. So at a high level, what we're what we've really said is, hey, Society and and really the economic the economic part of our society doesn't value certain aspects about these systems that they should. Right? And the best way that we can value them is through this nonprofit where we can produce this information that then is given away to these people as tools for them to use, whether that's, once again, brands, retailers, investors, etcetera. Because right now, it's really hard to realize some sort of added economic benefit in in market with the products, with the businesses.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:33:58
So So I feel like I feel like that was a long monologue, but hopefully that made sense.
Kyle Krull - 00:34:10
It was. And I think I'm gonna try to recap it in like very layman's terms, which might be oversimplification, but I think it's good that we have the the duality. Right? Yeah. So the 501c6 trade organization is for profit brands working together to benefit their individual businesses. Right? And learning from each other and, you know, it's it's coopetition, if you will. And we can't legally and it is for good reason.
Kyle Krull - 00:34:24
You cannot take philanthropic dollars and help for profit entities make more money. So instead, what we're doing is creating the 501c3 to allow those philanthropic dollars to support the entire regenerative movement.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:34:44
Kyle Krull - 00:34:46
And that will have a cascading benefit for all regenerative brands, not just those in our 501c6. Mhmm. And that's essentially why we have these 2 different organizations.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:34:55
Mhmm. Yeah. Very well said. Amen. And, you know, the for for us to have more CPG brands supporting regenerative agriculture and doing that successfully, there is just key data insights, perspectives, learnings, whatever we wanna call, education, like research and education is what I keep calling it, that doesn't currently exist or it's not aggregated or packaged correctly, and we have to solve those two problems. So, you know, that's not explicitly us doing all of that work. Maybe sometimes it's us prompting that work or, you know, being kind of the people that publish the key questions that need to be answered. Whatever that ends up looking like, we have all kinds of ideas for what the what the the v one of that looks like. But ultimately, you know, we need a center hub for that. And that's what the institute is supposed to serve as.
Kyle Krull - 00:35:45
Totally. Spot on.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:35:47
Yeah. I'm trying to think if there's anything else we should touch on there. I mean, that we have the most legacy work output there, so people, I feel like, get what we do. Right? We got the newsletter. We got the blog. We got the the podcast. Like I said, definitely encourage people to check out the white paper. Shout out to Katie Finnegan there as well.
Kyle Krull - 00:36:06
Not the white paper. Job. The report.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:36:08
I know. I keep calling her the white paper. They're gonna be called Regen Brands Reports, and I gotta get used to that branding. So everyone check out the inaugural report. Shout out to Katie. She did an amazing job as the lead author. JellyShot did an amazing job designing it, and Christina Tober did a really great job helping us edit that that document as well. But this is really, like, all 80 episodes of the podcast, all 70 plus newsletters, all 70 plus blogs or whatever is at this point distilled down into that seminal document that basically is, okay, what's the state of regenerative CPG and what were the fundamental learnings that we are now taking to start this Regen brand's ecosystem? So, yeah, really encourage people to check that out.
Kyle Krull - 00:36:50
Yeah. You know, as somebody who I mean, I've been on just about every podcast episode. I still got a ton of value reading it. It is, you know, it sounds like a giant summary, but it it does a fantastic job of distilling down the key points, the most critical pieces of information from every single spot, and and putting it in one place. And I think that's the primary reason, we're doing this. And and I'm excited for this to come out and to see what people think of it.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:37:15
Mhmm. Amen. Where should we go next, brother? Should we go to capital and just give people a little bit of a preview there?
Kyle Krull - 00:37:22
I think we should. And obviously, like, I need to prompt that question for you because I don't know what that works about. Yeah. So, yeah, tell us a little bit about what the capital piece is gonna look like, how it's different from the original Outlaw Ventures concept, where it where it's at today and where you see it going in the future? Classic Kyle 5 part question.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:37:41
No. It's good. And they're the right questions for this one. So institute and coalition exist. Those entities are formed, they're out in the market, they have bank accounts, we have staff, like, we we are operating those 2 nonprofits. Capital does not exist yet. So that is coming in 2025. And really the biggest task there to move that forward is we gotta go find somebody to help help lead it, which I'm working on and I'm working on how that fits into our strategy. But ultimately, the big the big illuminating decision there was through all the investment work I've done at Outlaw Ventures and through the massive amount of kind of research and trial and error we did thinking about starting a new venture fund, what we saw was, like, the existing financial products and the existing fund models do not align with what regenerative brands need. Full stop.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:38:32
So, yes, we could go execute those strategies
Kyle Krull - 00:38:37
Tell us why. Why is that the case?
Anthony Corsaro - 00:38:40
Yeah. Let me let me just finish that thought real quick. Yes. We could go execute those strategies. We could put money into those things, but we're still kind of shoving squares into round holes. Right? We're shoving square pegs into round holes, which still moves the needle, but it's not, like, ideal, and it's not, to me, bespoke or innovative and really industry changing or or super catalytic. And to answer your question of why, it's just like, look, these are businesses that have a very different economic context because of this regenerative work that they're doing. And regular venture capital and regular, really, debt financing loans don't solve for that. So we have to either innovate in how we do equity and or debt financing.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:39:12
We have to find hybrid models. We have to completely replace that with some new model. And what does that actually tactically look like? It looks like trying to either create new financial products. Right, so things other than safes, convertible notes, typical price equity, typical inventory financing loans, or finding financial products that maybe have been used in other industries or been used by other people that are applicable to our cohort of regenerative brands, and then find a way to stack those or stack one of them or whatever it may be into fund models that we can raise large amounts of money into, have a professional fund manager manage, and invest in a large enough sample size for us to say, hey. We invested 10, 20, 30 into these new innovative approaches, and this works, this doesn't work, we learned this, we should do this in the future.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:40:09
Because right now, all we're really doing is just doing a bunch of that in the old status quo, and we're not really learning or doing any of kind of what I would call the financial r and d to figure out what's the future version of of these of funding these businesses. Like, all the brands are doing that. All the farmers are doing that with the regenerative parts of their businesses. Right? Like, hey, how do we do agriculture better? And we need to just ask the same question for the financial funding mechanism for the businesses of how do we do that better and align with the the regenerative part as well.
Kyle Krull - 00:40:50
I think you're spot on, and I wanna hone in on 1 piece specifically because this is probably the piece I'm most comfortable talking about. But as as a regenerative brand looks to scale, we're regenerative brands essentially decommoditize the marketplace. Right? So if you take a brand like Liquid Debt, who is super cool, doing awesome stuff, getting less plat sorry, plastic my god. Plastic out of the system. But as they go to grow and scale, they have to put more water into cans, which is not significantly complex. There's not an additional certification laid on top of that. But as regenerative brands look to grow and scale, let's let's say regenerative brand XYZ lands national distribution at Walmart.
Kyle Krull - 00:41:16
You know, they've got to figure out how to source certified regenerative grains or, you know, olives or whatever that specific product is. That's going to take time to convert the arable land into those different crop systems. And we're we're not talking like one harvest. It's potentially like 2, 3 years process to get that product up to the level where it can be certified. Right? So it is such a different beast to try to figure out how to scale regenerative brands.
Kyle Krull - 00:41:48
And to AC's point, the current financial systems do not allow for that sort of time, to function. Right? We just this is why it needs to change. This is obviously not my core competency to talk about, but I'm doing my best.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:42:07
You're all you're always too self disparaging on this topic. I think you do a good job, and I think you do understand it. And it's it it's mostly commonsensical. And I will say, like, look, there's gonna be if you haven't seen from this podcast yet, like, what we're trying to do is complex. It's not overly complex. It's not impossible. And especially on the financial side, I think simplicity wins. Like, we need to keep things simple, but we also need to be willing to kind of wade into a little bit more different waters of probably higher complexity to solve for these things because typical financing of a business is just trying to solve for growing the business and profitability. And and we're not saying that's not important here, like, duh, like, we're still gonna solve for that, but we're also trying to solve for these other things that these brands are doing, around their mission and around supporting regenerative agriculture systems.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:42:45
And, you know, that looks different based on the brand and their growth trajectory and their and their goals. Sometimes it could be, you know, how do we do inventory financing differently because, Emily at little bucks is buying all of her buckwheat in one shot a year. How do we do a capex investment into, vertically integrated manufacturing because little sesame produces their hummus in a very different way and needs to source regenerative chickpeas for that. How do we do equity financing that doesn't need to be on a j curve venture capital growth rate and, you know, could have a better payoff for brand employees versus just really fast quick growth for investors and founders. You know, those are just a few examples of of many, many, I think, opportunities we have. But, unfortunately, once again, the tools to facilitate those transactions are either unknown or underutilized, and the capital pools flowing into those don't exist and don't or just don't exist at a significant enough scale for them to have the market validity for us to say, hey.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:43:45
There's been a significant amount of capital in here. We know how this works. We're comfortable putting another x amount of capital into it. And we need to solve for that for our for our group, for our, you know, group of stakeholders.
Kyle Krull - 00:44:17
You and I have talked about this numerous times, and that was the best, most synthesized version of an explanation I have heard the that was fantastic. It really articulated, like, the types of opportunities in those 3 different examples and why it needs to be raised differently. And then, you know, obviously, you marry those 2 within the the entity, Regent Brands Capital. And hopefully, that leads to legitimate capitalization of these brands who are trying to do this transformative work. Mhmm. Amen. Okay.
Kyle Krull - 00:44:35
So we've talked a lot about the new ecosystem, and I think it's important that we talk about the branding of this new ecosystem. Because number 1, it has been a process talking this out. And we've learned a ton about the branding process in general. We've learned about ourselves. And I wanna say we learned about ourselves essentially that we're still just juvenile children. And we've gone through a handful of iterations. It it's been a roller coaster.
Kyle Krull - 00:44:58
So as the the lead of the co branding or the the new branding, like, walk us through the initial, like, what was it that we were trying to design? We'll talk about the main v one and then we'll kind of dive into where we're landing it and why.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:45:21
Yeah. Well, we've we've had some really great help along the way, and I think we've ended up with some really good copy and some really good, you know, really good visual system. But the biggest thing I think I learned throughout this process was your brand shouldn't always look the way that you think it should look out in the world. And there is really, like, important design science and design best practices to convey certain energy and certain personality of your brand in a more implicit, way than an explicit way. And I would say, to date, we've had a lack of resources, one, and just a lack of know how, and our branding has been very explicit in in sharing our values. It's it's loud, it's cartoonish, it's, you know, lots of different things. It's it's a little juvenile like Kyle has said.
Kyle Krull - 00:46:17
It it looks like GTA by city, You know? I I've said that before. I'll say it again. Like, it's I've always wanted to see what I would look like in a video game, and there I am.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:46:25
Yeah. But I think what we have now is gonna really allow us to sit beside, the organizations that we want to in a really meaningful way with high credibility and high kind of visibility. And I think our work product has always been at that level, but our visual system and maybe, our copywriting maybe has not. And so, yeah, just major major up leveling there and pumped to to share it with the world here moving forward.
Kyle Krull - 00:46:54
Totally. And and I think v one was a big learning process for us, and we were trying to design essentially like a hero brand, like a CPG brand. It's kind of what we're looking to do, and it took us time and talking to other experts to realize that was a big mistake. And I think, AC, I think the term is, quote, container brand is what we're looking to do, which can inter can be interpreted a variety of different ways. But the way I interpreted that was that, you know, we're not looking to become the hero here. We want the brands within our organization to be the hero. And if if we can contain their hero presence and and boost them, that's that's really strategic, like, the right way we wanna go. So that was, like, my key interpretation, but I'm sure there are others who wanna get, you know, your take on that process and how you feel about where we where we've landed.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:47:41
Yeah. I mean, it's good. We learned a lot. We made a lot of mistakes. I mean, I think the the the up leveling in legal know how, in marketing know how, in branding know how, in operational know how, in, content production know how. Like, what we have done in the last 12 to 16 months, 12 to 18 months, whatever it's been. I mean, I I there's that quote that's like, if you don't look back at your former self and laugh at how bad you are or whatever, like, you're not, like, growing enough. And it's like, wow. Like, we are we are passing that, we are acing that. And yeah. And those those would be my big takeaways for that one.
Kyle Krull - 00:48:18
I think it's spot on. And I mean, I don't even have to look back 12 months to laugh at myself. It's probably like 3 months, for sure. So yeah. Which the the new the new logo, everything looks fantastic, and I can't wait to get it out. I know that one podcast listener in particular who I can can remain unnamed, he just told me like, you guys really need to change your logo. Like I want I want to recommend your podcast to people, but I'm almost embarrassed to you because of the way it looks. So thankfully that will not have to happen anymore.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:48:47
I have gone to in person meetings where someone has said, which which guy am I meeting with from the which which cartoon guy am I meeting with from the logo? And, you know, you you learn through these processes, like, you had what you had for a reason and it served you well, like, in that capacity and then as you transition, as you grow, and as you improve, like, you need different tools. And thanks to a lot of hard work and some key partners, like, we we have those tools now. So I think the call to action for the audience is, like, let us know what you think. We love the branding. We love, you know, what the website looks like, what the what the report is designed as, the new podcast logos, the new recap icons, like but let us know how you all feel about it. We'd love to hear, about it for sure.
Kyle Krull - 00:49:30
So AC, we've talked a lot about the changes to this ecosystem and this organization, but let's Yeah. Let's also discuss, like, what hasn't changed? What's gonna what's gonna stay the same?
Anthony Corsaro - 00:49:40
Yeah. Yeah. Good question. So people that know
Kyle Krull - 00:49:43
us New look, same great taste, you know, what what is that version for us?
Anthony Corsaro - 00:49:48
Yeah. We are definitely still gonna operate the podcast, the newsletter, and the blog. So from a content production perspective, you know, we might do more of certain certain things, we might do less of certain things, they might look a little different, they might sound a little different, but, like, those are core short form media products that are not going anywhere. Longer term on the horizon for the institute is more stuff like the the report that just came out, more longer form, higher level quantitative research and analysis. That will exist in static reports, some interactive databases. We we have a lot of ideas there, and ultimately, all of that will just come down to how well funded the institute becomes based on what capital we can raise via donations and grants, etcetera, to fund that programming. But not a ton will change short form content wise. We'll still be interviewing brands.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:50:36
Kyle and I might start doing a little more content just ourselves because the the feedback has been really strong there. So more like perspective slash roundup content where maybe we talk about recent news or recent products we've tried or hot button topics and how we're thinking about them. We've only done, what, 4 or 5 solo pods. We've done 0, 16, 45, 66, and now this. So this is only our 5th one. I think we'd like to do more of those.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:51:05
But long story short, big takeaway is Regen Brands Institute will continue to produce the content that you've seen from Regen Brands historically, and then we will start integrating what we're learning and doing in coalition and capital through that content ecosystem as well in whatever way we think is is worth kind of sharing in an open source and learning capacity with with the broader ecosystem.
Kyle Krull - 00:51:30
Love that. I love the the you and I doing some more work together. So far that has been super well received. And another, like, call to action for the audience, like, if there's something you want to hear us discuss or a topic that you're particularly interested, reach out and let us know. Yeah. Good call. Historically, this is just AC and I riffing. In in some episodes, we've had somebody not show up. I'm always like, okay. Cool.
Kyle Krull - 00:51:43
We're we're just gonna talk for an hour and see what happens. So to have a little bit more seeding from the audience, I think would be fantastic.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:51:56
Yeah. And I'll basically cover biggest future need for the Institute, and then I'll flip it back to you for Coalition. On the Institute side, we are now a philanthropically funded organization. So we need people to donate. We need to access grant capital. So individual donors, foundations, family offices, anyone that donates to support return of agriculture causes, we would now love your support, and I'll be kind of out in the marketplace talking a lot more about that with with other people. So that's our that's really our biggest need moving forward for the institute. We we talked a little bit about where the coalition is at.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:52:25
We're off to a successful start. We have these 31 inaugural members. Kyle, bring us up to speed on, like, what the rest of this year slash early next year looks like for the coalition.
Kyle Krull - 00:52:41
Yeah. So rest of this year is really trying to deliver value for our v one cohort. Right? I don't know if that's the official name or not, but we we should promote the cooler cooler name. Inaugural membership. Inaugural membership? Inaugural is just such a hard three syllable word. You know? It's awkward. But point being, we're looking to really focus on delivering value for that original cohort.
Kyle Krull - 00:52:52
And, you know, we will open it up for additional members come 2025. We don't really know exactly where we're gonna cap it. But if you are interested, like, reach out now. Let us know you're interested, and we'll get you on the short list so that when we do search a solicit for cohort 2, you'll be at the top of that list. And then part 3, you know, we are functioning 50126 entity right now as a trade organization because there's member dues. But we're also looking for sponsorship.
Kyle Krull - 00:53:20
So if you are an industry service provider, you want to provide some level of support for the brands in this space, please reach out. We'd love to see how we can work together to come up with a win win solution here that that benefits our ecosystem and could potentially bring some business your way.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:53:45
Yeah. Amen. I mean, that entity is all about collective action and collective support for those brands. So service providers, retailers, investors, whoever is interested in in working with us in that capacity, that's a proven model in this industry. There's tons of trade associations doing really cool work in a collaborative capacity there, and we wanna create that same thing, but specifically for these brands that support region ag.
Kyle Krull - 00:54:08
Alright. So we've covered quite a bit today. There's a there's a lot that we just announced. It might feel overwhelming, but again, it's same look, new great taste. I'm gonna keep saying that. So it's fantastic. But AC, give us a quick high level recap. Like, what what did we just talk about?
Anthony Corsaro - 00:54:25
Yeah. And I would just say this was we tried to give everyone, like, a behind the scenes download of kinda how the sausage got made on this episode. But if you just wanna see the sausage and, like, read the copy and see the visuals that are way easier probably to absorb than the way that we've packaged it verbally here, check out the website, check out the report, check out the press release that went out this week. Check out the website pages on the Coalition, check out the website pages on Capital, on Institute. It's all right there. We think it'll be really well articulated and easy to understand. So it's really just check all that out, you know, give us feedback. What what what do you love?
Anthony Corsaro - 00:54:53
What doesn't make sense? What are you looking forward to? What do you wanna see more of? What do you not see that should be there? You know, we we thrive on that feedback. We love that feedback, and it's it's an integral piece, of of what we're doing here.
Kyle Krull - 00:55:16
Yeah. This is why we're a team. You know, AC will talk about the website all day, but I'll tell you what the website is. You know, it says regen dash brands.com. Head that direction. Check everything out. We super appreciate you. We're excited to be back recording on the pod.
Kyle Krull - 00:55:21
Looking forward to getting some more guests in here. And again, cheer your feedback.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:55:35
Yeah. Amen. Last but not least, just to wrap up shout outs. I wanna give a huge shout out to a couple interns that have been really working with us for months now. I mean, Alexei, almost for, like, a year and Michelle, definitely for a few months. But Alexei Ragland and Michelle Hadid have been just integral pieces, to support, all of this work in very different ways. Just 2 young hungry people that really care about regenerative agriculture and the planet and human health and all the right things, and we could not have gotten here without them as well. So big shout out to them, big shout out to all of you that have followed, listened, read, shared, liked, commented. We need that continual support, so please continue to do that. It it means the world to us.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:56:12
And it's crazy to think where these 2 crazy guys are after the first, coffee, meeting in Bend, Oregon in May of 2022.
Kyle Krull - 00:56:27
Coffee and bison meeting. Yeah. Coffee and bison.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:56:30
Since Kyle doesn't drink coffee.
Kyle Krull - 00:56:34
I also don't drink bison. Just for the record, I was eating it. But
Anthony Corsaro - 00:56:39
Oh, man. Well, it's been fun. Couldn't have done it without your brother. Couldn't have done it without all the support from everybody that's been involved and just, so so grateful to do this work. So fired up about where we're going with this thing and, yeah, just really really excited after many, many, many months of kind of working in the shadows to share this all with the world and see what they think about it.
Kyle Krull - 00:57:01
Yeah. I was gonna say, man, congrats on, again, you've been leading a lot of this work, all of this work. And this is a big day to be able to announce this and unveil this. And I don't wanna say put that work in the rear view because there's still a ton of work to do now. But now that we get to we're formalized, we're legit, the ecosystem is real, it's alive. It's super exciting. So again, congrats to you. And I think the whole community is grateful that that this is here.
Kyle Krull - 00:57:24
So we're we're super pumped to to continue to work to, at the end of the day, like, improve human health, improve the health of the planet. And it's really, like I think it's important to like, why are we doing all of this?
Anthony Corsaro - 00:57:39
Kyle Krull - 00:57:40
And I think we both really care a lot about trying to figure out how to make it easier for people to make better decisions, and Yeah. Hopefully this work leads to that.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:57:50
Mhmm. Amen, brother. Well said. Appreciate you, dude.
Kyle Krull - 00:57:53
Appreciate you, man.
Anthony Corsaro - 00:57:58
For transcripts, show notes, and more information on this episode, check out our website regen-brands.com. That is regen-brands.com. You can also check out our YouTube channel, ReGen Brands, for all of our episodes with both video and audio. The best way to support our work is to give us a 5 star rating on your favorite podcast platform and subscribe to future episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube. You can also subscribe to our newsletter, the ReGen Brands Weekly, and follow our Regen Brands LinkedIn page to stay in the know of all the latest news, insights, and perspectives from the world of regenerative CPG. Thanks so much for tuning in to the ReGen Brands Podcast. We hope you learned something new in this episode, and it empowers you to use your voice, your time, your talent, and your dollars to help us build a better and more regenerative food system. Love you guys.